By Funmi Mosuro

I was drawn by a woman l genuinely believed in- Angela Omeiza Ochu-Baiye. She had always been my favourite presenter on WE FM, hosting a talk show that discussed various interesting topics and issues. 

Having been acquainted with her programme, l followed her cause on all social media platforms until something deeply caught my attention- the launch of JELA’S DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES (JDI). I came aboard as a volunteer, to put my little in big efforts that touch lives and change narratives. Therefore, I found my place in the Mental Health and Fundraising Teams.

My desire to function within the Mental Health Team was born out of my encounter in 2017 with 2 young individuals diagnosed with hyperfamiliarity and disorientation disorders. 

I was surprised to realize that, individuals can actually be mentally ill without being chained. I engaged in a conversation with these individuals. Alarmingly, the lady suffering from hyper-familiarity divulged all information about her life and family in no time and practically refused to stop talking while the man diagnosed with disorientation couldn’t follow my lines of communication. 

I was moved in more ways than words can express, seeing these individuals with huge potential battle with demons that many people would never understand.

Surprisingly, both were glad l listened to them. This expression of happiness change my orientation to mental health till date. I became inquisitive and learnt more about it, promising to help any individuals facing such challenges.

Like every other physical condition that demands medical attention, so is mental health. Seek and you will find; experts are available and ultimately, the wellbeing of our mind is paramount. 

I am glad that I am actively demonstrating my passion and working with JDI has even increased it. More than ever, I am committed to using my all to continually touch lives. 

Here am l, ask me.

Here am l, send me

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